Category: NZTekonverse -> Facebook

  • Facebook doesn’t live up to its promises

    Well here I have attacked or critiqued Facebook many times. Look in the category archives to see what I have written in the past. The key problem I am wishing to address in Facebook today is that it’s becoming abundantly clear that it is nearly impossible for even someone like me who only uses Facebook…

  • Tech giants need to be reigned in before they start ruling our lives

    As if there wasn’t enough bad PR already over Google and Facebook, here’s an article about how some guy got a lifetime ban from AirBnB. He gets no right of appeal or anything. They do not have to explain or account to him or anything that would be considered fair (maybe he has recourse in…

  • Integromat as an alternative to IFTTT

    For the last few years I have made a lot of use of IFTTT for automated web integration between my blogs and Facebook pages. IFTTT is quite good for this and I still use it to this day, with multiple IFTTT accounts as each account can only work with one Facebook page at a time,…

  • OpenID sidelined for FB/Google identity lockin

    OpenID is a great concept: to help you create a single identity that works across a range of Internet sites. However, it has been falling out of favour in the past few years because both Facebook and Google have provided their own replacements for it.  The reasons for these are supposedly for user convenience. However,…

  • Useless Flickr processes and tools

    Today I found that Flickr has been flagging some of my own personal photos as “infringing content”. I only discovered this when I downloaded some albums from one of my sites and tried to upload them to another site. I then got a few emails about content being removed that had been previously marked as…