Month: February 2008

  • Windows Live Mail is very flaky!

    Sorry but there is no other way to write that. I have just had it up to here with the flakiness of WLM compared to Outlook Express and Outlook. Especially on IMAP accounts. WLM’s support even of ordinary IMAP is patience-testing enough before you try to set up access to Gmail IMAP and get a…

  • Using Loopback Policy to set a per-location default printer

    Last year I talked briefly about how loopback policy works. This is the system that Microsoft has built into Group Policy to enable a user policy to be applied to a computer that is dependent on the OU that the computer’s account is stored in. This is a great system because it enables a policy…

  • Classroom AV 1: USB & VGA Faceplates

    This is the first part of my forthcoming series of articles on classroom AV system installation. This article will specifically address, the thorny subject of how to get USB and VGA cables into wall plates. Firstly, we much prefer to use premade VGA cables, which have moulded plugs on each end of the cable and…

  • Classroom Audiovisual System Series

    I’m going to write a series of articles on AV system installations with particular relevance to school classrooms. A full AV installation embodies a number of possible components: A projector or other display device A sound system AV source such as Video player or Computer Electronic whiteboard These are the ones I’m familiar with. Over…

  • Windows PE REQUIRES 512 MB RAM!

    This short little article is the postscript to an extremely frustrating afternoon at work trying to image a PC using Windows PE as the OS environment. It is stated somewhere in the WinPE documentation that 512MB of memory is required to boot. However if your PC has less than this, you won’t see any warning…

  • Logitech Z4 2.1 Speaker System

    If you’ve ever set up DVD players with projectors in a school classroom, you know that you need something better than the tinny little speakers in the projector itself for sound. It was quite apparent that small computer speakers, which often have an output of 2 – 3 watts, would also be unsuitable, lacking both…